Scinde District Dawks - Important Points

  1. The Scinde Dawks stamps were first issued on 1st July 1852 and were suppressed on 30th September 1854 and the remainder were ordered to be destroyed in October 1854. In spite of several thousand stamps being used, during the period 1852-1854 they have become very scarce - the red rarely comes across uncracked, being on a brittle wafer, and the unused white and blue specimen are rarely used.

  2. Postal reforms of Sind were announced on 15th October 1851 and the stamp was issued on 1st July 1852. Providing necessary time for correspondence with Bombay, hardly six months' time was left to get stamps printed from England. The evidence suggests that the embossing device, if not manufactured indigenously might have been brought from England from M/s De La & Co, but the stamps were embossed in India only.
  3. The red Scinde Dawks only appear with a diamond of 64 dots and that implies that it had been used at one post office only - probably Karachi.
  4.  From a very close study of the designs of the stamps it is apparent that white and red are of one design and the blue of some other. As M/s De La Rue made their own die they differ from the white in thicker lettering and the outer ring. This belief is strengthened by the fact that the Post Master of Sind confirmed through his letter dated 25th September 1852 to Sir Frere about the receipt of some 10000 stamps from England and subsequent references of having ordered fresh supplies from England. So, it appears that white and red wee indigenous while blue was from England.


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